Dictionaries and
grammars |
Kentel triwec'h
Petra az po da zebriñ ?
== Lesson 18 == Inviting someone to eat and
drink (Have in the future tense)
Y1. Kaout in the future
The verb kaout in the future is
used for inviting someone to eat or drink (and for
Instead of am bo / az po we
should usually write em bo /
ez po when the verb is not
preceded by the subjet or the direct object.
Generally speaking, the vowel is usually pronounced
indistinctly, hence the written contracted form:
- Kig (a)m bo
- riz (n'e)m bo ket
Y2. Prepositions
After having studied the phrase sellout
ouzh un dra bennak, here are some other phrases
which use the preposition ouzh :
- ouzh taol : "dinner's on
the table", without the article, but we would say
ouzh an daol-se.
- komz ouzh unan bennak :
speak to someone.(they don't answer back) But
komz gant unan bennak : speak
to (with) someone, chat.
Y3. Plurals
Legumaj and krampouezh are collective plurals.