Kentel pemzek
Un daol vras, taolioù
== Lesson 15 == Mutations affecting nouns
after the article and attributive adjectives
Poelladenn 1
Say the following aloud :
Poelladenn 2
Replace the following nouns with hini or re
Poelladenn 3
Construct phrases from these nouns, following the example
(nouns marked * are feminine) :
- levr
- ul levr eo
Poelladenn 4
Construct phrases from these nouns, following the example
(nouns marked * are feminine) :
- ti
- n'eo ket un ti
Poelladenn 5
Construct phrases, following the example :
- paotred /bras
- paotred vras int
Poelladenn 6
No article, no mutation. Construct questions from these
phrases, following the example :
- un daol
- Taol piv eo ?
Poelladenn 7
Practise using attributive adjectives, following the
example :
- taol* / bras
- un daol vras
Poelladenn 8
Construct comparative phrases with the following nouns
and adjectives :